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Dear customers, we carry out inspection, troubleshooting and pre-sale preparation of all goods.  

We provide warranty for parts:

  • You can return or exchange the goods absolutely free of charge within 14 calendar days (inclusive) from the date the buyer receives the order. 

  • You can return or exchange goods after 14, but no later than 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the order, with the consent of the seller. In this case, the buyer pays transportation costs, and the seller, when returning the funds, withholds a commission of 10% of the cost of the returned goods, but not less than 200 UAH.

Please note that according to the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the return or exchange of used goods is possible ONLY with the consent of the seller. Ditsan Parts accepts the VOLUNTARY warranty obligations.

Part 2 of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine “On Protection of Consumer Rights” establishes special conditions for goods that are sold already in use, - “Regarding non-food products that were in use and were sold through retail commission trade enterprises, the consumer requirements noted in part the first article 8, are satisfied with the consent of the seller. According to this part, the requirements of the consumer regarding goods, the warranty period for which has not expired, are satisfied.

Refunds to the buyer are made only after the goods are received by the seller. Refunds are made only if the product retains the company's markings, there are no signs of the use of the product by the buyer and newly received mechanical damage.  

Attention! New non-original spare parts are supplied in original packaging. Be careful when unpacking such orders, as a return is possible only if the integrity and appearance of the packaging is preserved.

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